SPQ 036: What Are the Best Books for Self-Publishers?

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The Question…

Alex asks, “What are some of your favorite books?”

Steve’s Answer…

Steve says a lot of his success has come from reading books on a daily basis. It’s really difficult to pick a list of favorites from all the books he’s read, so this list is limited to books on self-publishing and business. These eight books have a lot of valuable information for authors.

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SPQ 027: How to Organize Book Research Using the Evernote App

spq27 newThe Question…

Rick is a prolific researcher who has trouble trimming extra information from his books. He wants to know how Steve decides how much research to do. Rick also wants to know how to use Evernote to organize his research.

Biggest Takeaway…

[Tweet “Ideas pop up at random times, so make a habit of writing down EVERYTHING.”]

Steve’s Answer…

Ideas pop up at random times, so make a habit of writing down all of your ideas. Steve does this with his Kindle publishing checklist. The checklist has all the steps needed to move from initial idea to published book.

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SPQ 008: How Do You Manage Multiple Book Projects?

SPQ 008: How Do You Manage Multiple Book Projects?

The Question…

A reader asks how many projects Steve typically has in his publishing pipeline. In this episode, Steve explains how he moves from idea to completed project.

Biggest Takeaway…

[Tweet “Don’t sit on any finished titles; publish them immediately! “]

Steve’s Answer…

Steve usually works on no more than two or three books at a time. He doesn’t sit on any finished titles; he publishes them immediately. If he has an idea for another book, he writes it down and then continues working on his current project.

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SPQ 004: Should I Focus on One Book Niche at a Time?

Should I Focus on One Book Niche at a Time?

Some independent authors publish in multiple niches, while others focus on just one topic. In this episode, find out which strategy Steve recommends.

The Question…

Mia from SkinBrushingDetox.com asks,

“Do you think people should just focus on one niche? How many niches should you focus on? How about people with a lot of different interests?”

Biggest Takeaway…

[Tweet “It’s seven times harder to get a new customer than market to an existing one. “]

Steve’s Answer…

Steve says he made the mistake of focusing on multiple niches early in his publishing career. Had he focused on one niche and built one audience, he could have been more successful.

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